Monday, December 1, 2008

Viva La Vida

This weeknd I went to see Coldplay in Concert, their first concert in England. I went with Kay Dub. She cried, inwardly appreciating the music; she sat; she clapped her hands close to her body. She told me afterward that she wished she could be more like the crowd.

A while ago, I chose to become more selfless. I wanted to get out of my head, stopped being self-conscious, and connected with art. I stood up, danced, sang along, and cheered. I let go to show that I am fully appreciative of another person’s art.

I was brought up in a family that didn’t say I love you and didn’t give hugs, but I wanted it to be different so I changed it. I started hugging my mother, my grandmother, my dad, everyone, and told them that i love them, miss them, and want to be around them whenever I can (without exhausting the truth of the message).

Though I admire such inward admiration of beauty, I could probably do that in my room listening to my music. (I am not dogging on the way Kay listens, defines, lives in music. I am only stating what it feels to me.) At the concert no one knows who I am, no one knows which song they loved the most and why, all we know is that we are here, sharing an interest in art.

At the concert, I couldn't sit. I trembled, connected, and exploded. I let go of my critique, I immersed and understood what this music meant to me: the summer of love 2008, ecstacy, come downs, long drives, home, and a journey to find my self. Even though I was a part of the crowd in the greater perspective, I had found redemption by getting lost in the blur.

The movement whether it is because of politics, love, death, art, or religion is a change that is greater than my self. It is collective, global and visible in the rallies, elections, or in the gathering for a concert.

I give thanks for growth, change, empowerment, resilience of the human spirit, and most importantly love. I am alive. I am alive. I am a life. Life.


  1. damn, the concert sounds legit.

    it's moments like those that really bestow an empowering and humbling experience of life. to be so lifted that your outlook changes, but to know that this essence has so much power humbles.

    miss you. let me know when you get back. =)

  2. I needed a study break, so I stumbled onto your blog from Hannah's. And I must say, the last few energized, yet calmed me at the same time. Thanks girl :)

  3. Stumbled on your blog because of Peter Le, really legit...

  4. No new blog in a while... I hope all is well..
