Friday, June 27, 2008

To die on a plane

296 miles 30,000 feet up in the air. The plane is shaking a little more than usual. I think it’s just the wind. And though we’re at such a vulnerable point—in the middle of nowhere with no one whom I know and all of the above—I feel at one with everyone and everything that the threat of death is only making me feel more alive. The threat of death is the threat of being able to live and change the way I live because life and death are one. And I am also one with myself as well as others in this one moment and place. I’m not scared. In fact, I feel more at peace than I have any other time. And I was so inside my head for so long that I didn’t realize we had flown into the air, nor did I know I was flying. All I knew was that I was thinking about how as one I was with myself and how I should improve my life. Never did it phase me. Life is a dream if you let your dreams have life. Life is gray. Love is gray. Love is everything and peace is how I feel. And I feel love from me being given to others as well as others loving me and I’ve never felt so beautiful in my life. We’re 216 miles away from orange county. Many people in here are waiting to go to Disneyland. Hahaha the happiest place on earth. And if that is so then I hope that they feel that happiness at Disneyland because it may be the only time they feel this which I hope not. The man sitting next to me is eating asparagus. It smelled so familiar. I actually thought it was corn before he pulled it out of his container. For a moment I thought about the time and right now it’s 12:16 PM. I am supposed to arrive at 1PM and yet I feel...right on time… I’m supposed to be here right now. A bit nervous and scared because of the shakiness of this plane, but also right here right now after reconciling the most important relationships in my life. The relationship I have with myself. I am home wherever I am because I am conscious of where I am and who I am. That is why things aren’t temporary for me because I am eternal and I am attached to myself. I am referring to the conversations about rooms. My men feel that rooms are temporary. And I asked if they felt that way about women and it went to a greater conversation about love and that fear of attachment. We’ve leveled out on the plane. I don’t know why I feel a bit disappointed. I am not sure whether that shakiness was in my head or not because no one else seems bothered by what’s going on. Maybe it’s because my laptop is reflecting a lot more light than what’s in front of everyone else. So I can see the shakiness in relation to light. Hm…that’s how I see people. The ball of their core: it is a ball of light or energy and I can see the shakiness of it. Maybe that is why I feel good about reading people. Impath. I am supposedly an impath. I am who I am.

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