Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Affirmations to get me through the day

I am a really fun person to hang out with.
I am a really cool mom because I am very chill.
I am a very cool coord for REACH because I think about them a lot.
I am a successful student leader, mentor, and student at UCI.
I am fortunate to have such great friends and a supportive family.
I take advantage of life and try new things.
I am open.
I have stretch marks on my ass and tits which means I lost some weight!
I have light brown eyes that look like mud in afternoon sunlight.
I have titties that some other women have to pay for.
I am very flexible and enjoy stretching myself.
I like stretching and massaging others so that they feel good too.
I know how to give myself massages (out and in).
I like to run barefoot but will run in shoes if necessary!
I am able bodied and can explore the deeps, the dips, the treacherous, the highs, and etc.
I have a very loud voice that can outbeat any man's voice!
I know how to whistle, snap, dance, sing (in my car), clap, jump, swim (lightly), cry, and curl my tongue.
I have a great music selection that is more underground.
I can write.
I write.
I know how to show people love.
I can arrange flowers, cut hair, bake, cook, and cater to others.
I enjoy doing hair and make-up.
I am very resourceful.
I am a quick learner.
I know how to cater to myself: baths, music, candles, movies, writing, and masturbation.

These are my affirmations.


  1. lovelovelovelovelove this :) AND YOU!

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