Thursday, September 10, 2009


I always wanted you to chase me.
Instead, you haunt my dreams.
It's the only place we can meet.

In them, I see you.
I see:
the red of your eyes,
the autumn of your skin,
and the warmth of your soul.
You are alive.

Although there aren't pictures,
letters, cards, or tangible reminders
of your existence in my life,
these dreams memorize,
your being.

Still, I cannot gather enough strength
to touch you, to talk to you, to interact,
yet I cannot gather the will
to stop watching you, staring protectively,
obsessively, terrified that you might flee

like ether,

like dreams in the wake,

like you did before....

I don't want to let you go again,
knowing that you won't be in proximity
and that you won't come back,

(except for in my dreams).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I fucking love your poetry. I can really relate to this poem...In dreams I walk with you, In dreams I talk with you, In dreams you're mine--all of the time.
