Saturday, July 26, 2008

The First One

SO after extensive recovery time after all the SPOPs I've done this far, I feel like I can finally find the space and time to write about it.

SPOP 1: Purple Pimpin' Poppin' Prado Posse AKA P5
It was my first time as a CP. I was so nervous and frantic because I had no idea what I was doing. I felt like I kept missing something really important. Thank gosh for Neena as my returner; she really helped me out because she CPed SPOP 1 and she had it under her belt. y staff included Jesus, Jermemy, Ashley, Belen, Patricia, and Neena. I couldn't have asked for any better group to tackle my first SPOP. For the majority, it was also their first SPOP so it was really great to feel the energy. And I had forgotten the energy and excitement that staff could have for their spoppers. Honestly, everyone in the hall cliiiicked! Like instantaneous! it made my job as a CP so breezy, and the freshmen first-year staffers were so enthusiastic.

The touch game went very well! I never had quite a response. One of the spoppers, Nilou, came up to me aftrward and told me I ws a superhero because of all the hardships I've gone through. As a REACHer and a staffer, our goal has always been that ONE person. She was definitely the ONE who touched me and everyone else around her. It's such a humbling experience to see someone transform. Everyone's hearts were so big in that room--the staff, the spoppers, mine. I had no expectations and it truly blew my mind away how intelligent, receptive, engaged, and compassionate everyone was. We need more people like that in the world, and I'm honored to say that I got an entire hall full of them.

During the touch game, Patricia said, "Exactly one year ago we were in your exact positions." To me, that statement rang so true because I, as a returner, was in the staff's position one year ago. My heart and excitement was poured into my SPOPs and the input had a lasting output because I'm still friends with many of my spoppers today. Jason Bach cracked a joke, "Can we do that again?" Hahaha I'm glad that he wanted to do the touch game all over again. We stayed in the kitchen in the heat and humidity and delirium of the afternoon and shared our experiences with spop. It was truly rewarding. I didn't cry. I was definitely touched though.

Ken Hilton was my biggest surprise because when we had lunch, he wanted to play games, so I took them out to play ninjas, little suzie walker, and the fun game. However, Ken disappeared to talk to Victor Kim. I find out that he's a breakdancer and was too shy to show us any moves during intros. At the dance party though, Paulo nudged him into the breakdance circle and he killed it! It does take that one push, that one burst of confidence, that can change everyone's life around.

And SPOP 2 has tat special place in my heart because it was my first one. It was SPOP 1! And we really rocked it. I'm so glad to have met such sensational people. Individuals working together to make a collective. The First ONE. We were ONE.

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